Deeper Social Media II

God Incarnate

Incarnation (or The INCARNATION) means that God took human form in the body of Christ. The doctrine is based on the paradox that because God was incarnated in Christ, Christ was both fully human and fully God at the same time. For Lent, I am studying this much more deeply.
BTW, The Church festival commemorating the announcement (Annunciation) of the Incarnation by Gabriel the Archangel to Mary is held on March 25 (Lady Day).
How often have I driven on and parked on Annunciation St. in New Orleans from the Crescent City Connection to the uptown Walmart w/o ever making that miraculous connection in my mind?

GAZETTE (New Orleans) — When Mary accepted God’s offer to bear and give birth to Jesus (Conceptio Christi), the Word (of God) became one of us. God became “incarnate,” with a body like ours; hence the name Incarnate Word. Because of His resurrection, the Incarnate Word continues to dwell among us. The Resurrection is celebrated on Easter Sunday.

Conceptio Christi is a Christian holiday commemorating the visit of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, where he announced that she would give birth to Jesus Christ.

Going back further, even unto the Old Testament, this boy (below) wants to know how people inhabited the earth.

His daddy had already told him that people multiplied from Adam and Eve.

I made a note for y'all in the below video. Follow me down this rabbit hole for a possible golden nugget.

This video shows me telling you something about the Easter time March 25th Feast of the Annunciation or Lady Day that I recently spoke about. I thought that I should share this with you. I mispronounced the Greek phrase Conceptio Christi. I will redo the video one day to correct my mispronounciation. Click:

Feast of Conceptio Christi

Speaking of feasts, I have a question about the picture of the pan of deliciousness that is shown here.

Then, this next video (turn to page 2) shows me telling you something about a fine day that I had recently. I wanted to share that with you also.

Clarence Thomas

Clarence is not leaving for himself a great legacy in history. by Ferdie Werdie (June 17, 2023) — How can you say he is a credit to his race when he is tearing down everything that people fought and died for in the 1960’s? He is gutting voting rights, destroying affirmative action, turning abortion rights back to the Dark Ages. Plus, he receives questionable “political” gifts, hides under-the-table unethical dealings, has lied, etc. Clarence Thomas has turned the Supreme Court into one with ethical problems. My question is: do some of his actions taint his court rulings?

Uncle Clarence

Speaking of the “MAGA crowd,” Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife works with the deplorables even though Clarence rules in the Supreme Court on many of the MAGA actions. Democrats call for new supreme court ethics rules amid Clarence Thomas’ recurring scandals… which ethics rules will be too little and way too late.

It is so unfair for Judge Thomas to pass SCOTUS judgements on the very rights and most personal freedoms of Americans’ lives. In his unethical hands are life and death judgements which will last for many decades and beyond. How unfair to Americans!
Democrats accuse the top U.S. court of the ‘lowest ethical standards’ in history, but Republicans say criticism of Justices Neil Gorsuch and Thomas is unfounded. The Republicans are evil and rotten.

Democrats clamor for ethics rules.
Amen to that...

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

All-Star Zion Williamson

JESUS H. CHRIST!! Pelicans’ #ZionWilliamson is named as a starter on the #NBA All-Star team. #Hallelujah!

What in the hell do you think of that?

I cannot wait until the All-Star game.

These two Hollywood icons were sleeping with men undercover. Tell me it “ain’t” so. These here are Cary Grant and Gary Cooper. The article in the link below says they left “a legacy of bravery and perseverance.” Maybe, that is such concerning the roles they played in the movies; not so in their life as gays.

The link below might explain some of their gay lifestyles.

Mardi Gras 2023

Here I write about a Mardi Gras memory; a blast from the past!

Firstly, a note: by Ferdie (Jan. 28, 2023) — I received some good news about my A1C and blood sugar levels on Thursday. My doctor said, “Excellent”!

After that good news, this is what I said about my “staying afloat” health wise and how I wanted to celebrate:

Now, back to my article:

BOSCOVILLE (Gazette) — By the way, this is from Mardi Gras weekend 2014 in New Orleans: The best of the parades and the best of the Balls are this weekend… culminating on Fat Tuesday. I am worn down tonight; but I am going to kick things back off in the morning.

Yes, this picture is becoming one of my favorites. I need to find this poster and hang it on my wall. WHERE CAN I FIND THIS POSTER?? I want it.

New Orleans

New Orleans

GAZETTE (February, 2014) I just read something that reminded me that the OSCARS are tonight. I might come back online later and list my choices before the broadcast.

GAZETTE (Jan. 20, 2023) — True story! During a 2023 New Year’s celebration (at about 1220am), I sang a song for the crowd which I dedicated to a sweet someone which rendition made her swoon. I occasionally serenade her anyway; and many of the romance songs which I sang at the Coffee House were written by me for her. Very true!

GAZETTE (Jan. 28, 2023) — This following definition enhancement is illuminating for me because it tells me a success strategy. It might help me with reaching my goals: Ideation is not just a one-time idea generation or a brainstorming session. In fact, we can divide ideation into these three stages: generation, selection, and development.

A NOTE in 2014. (I have since changed my mind 180°): Coach Monty Williams of the New Orleans Pelicans needs to be fired. This team has been in last place of their division for the last three years. Does owner Tom Benson have his head stuck up his buttockal area?


I like old-school movies and old-school pictures. Bettie Page has to be the most prolific pinup queen ever. She has a great, unending volume of pictures. The Los Angeles Times wrote: “Page was most famous for the estimated 20,000 4-by-5-inch black-and-whoite glossy photographs taken by amateur shutterbugs from 1949 to 1957. The photos showed her in high heels and bikinis or negligees, bondage apparel–or nothing at all.”

I liked last year’s…


GAZETTE (Sept. 2019) — Where is #HurricaneDorian going to hit in the U.S.? I heard some say that it might hit #Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s #Florida resort.

Ann Coulter sent an interesting tweet.

I want to say that Senator Mitch McConnell is a no-account scoundrel.

OH! I am all shook up.

My Deeper Social Media

Happy Easter, and then…

I ask the Lord to bless my readers. I believe that God Incarnate lived amongst us; then, Jesus was crucified and buried. I read recently that after Jesus’ Resurrection, He lived amongst us again and still does. Let us study this and ask God to speak to each of us to verify that Jesus (God Incarnate) lives amongst. Meanwhile, I provide a list of my articles for you in the menu and below.

Whoo-eee!! I want to see if…

Russell Wilson is ready to light up Pittsburgh; and will the fireworks light up the NFL skies. Russell looks like he is talking some stuff, and I know that he cannot wait to catch punk-ass Sean Payton and the Broncos on a chilly, dark gridiron. What is he saying?

I enter here some recent scrolls which I will also publish one day in my book Terror Scrolls II. I stay busy editing my scrolls at Ferdie’s Desk. What I post here is edited for my next book. I post to the DELERY GAZETTE and then to my next book. If you follow me deeper down this rabbit hole, we will both meet any surprises at the same time. I do not know what God will reveal to me around each corner. I will ride this rabbit along with you and just like you to see what each cavity or crevice might hold/reveal to us. Let me know if you have questions.


GAZETTE (New Orleans) — When Mary accepted God’s offer to bear and give birth to Jesus (Conceptio Christi), the Word (of God) became one of us. God became “incarnate,” with a body like ours; hence the name Incarnate Word. Because of His resurrection, the Incarnate Word continues to dwell among us. The Resurrection is celebrated on Easter Sunday.

Conceptio Christi is a Christian holiday commemorating the visit of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, where he announced that she would give birth to Jesus Christ.

Going back further, even unto the Old Testament, this boy (below) wants to know how people inhabited the earth.

His daddy had already told him that people multiplied from Adam and Eve.

Then I list some of my posts:

I made a note for y'all in the below video: Turn to page 2. Follow me down this rabbit hole for a possible golden nugget.

Cut My Lawn


I want to thank my readers and subscribers for visiting the DELERY GAZETTE to read a little bit. There are some things in the news that I want to touch upon. I will add to this article as I write my thoughts on some of those issues. I want to write about the Academy Awards which everyone is chiming in on. While I am waiting on the NFL draft on April 29 I have been watching some volley ball.

…the players themselves had fun.

Now, here are some of the Scrolls that I am writing in my “Captain’s Log” from my desk. I posted them here raw and just like I wrote them. If you have questions you can ask them in the comments box at the bottom of the post. Thank you!

These are some of my recent Scrolls for my next book:

These Scrolls which I originally wrote in my Captain’s Log at my desk are now more-or-less rough drafts of what I want to enter into my book. I will do much editing and cutting before they are “book ready.”

14April2021, Wed.

0827 hrs. >>It is supposed to rain this morning. I ate breakfast and drank coffee already. I want to put another intro at the top before I publish the book. They say quad summer. What in-the-hell is Quad Summer? This must be some kind of New York thing or something like that. >>>Maybe I will go off to vote today.

2033 htrs. >>I am watching the PELS as they go into the 4th quarter. With 9 mins. left in the game, it looks like the PELS are going down.

15April2021, Thurs.

1512 hrs. >>What is the news today? Firstly, I will look in the fridge to see what I have to eat. Meanwhile, I saw this picture which made me happy.

Nice picture.

16April2021, Fri.

1007 hrs. >>CNN is talking about notifying the families of the dead in Indianapolis. 1124 hrs. >>pork chop, roast, taters, greens. >>>Movie… please. >>I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

2343 >>peanut butter. Yes, that is my savior sometimes. I do not even always need jelly. Plus, I have read that peanut butter is very healthy… almost like a medicine. By the way, in this video below, I say something about the medicine of my music.

Thoughts on My performances.

17April2021, Sat.

1400 hrs. >>peanut butter and jelly. Shower. 1643 hrs. >>heading to mandeville

20April2021 Tues.

0853 hrs. waiting on meal delivery. Put on some grass-cutting clothes. 1547 hrs. >>Waiting on the verdict in the murder trial of Derek Chauvin. I just found out that Chauvin has been out on bail during the trial. 1956 hrs. >>I am watching the Pelicans. I will probably turn the game off with 2 to 3 minutes left. I surely do not want to watch the PELS lose the lead and lose another game. My opinion: the PELS will not make the PLAY IN. They lose too many huge leads to lose the game in the end.

21April2021, Wed.

0955 hrs. >>Feeling pains in my side like kidney stones. Meanwhile, there is nothing like a good laugh to take the edge off the pain a little bit: 

2127 hrs. >>since the PELS are kind of suckie right now I have, for solace, started following teams with the many former PELS  who are thriving this season. RIght now on TV is guard Frank Jackson who is looking so good for the PISTONS. One who totally has me happy who knocked the pels in their ass twice the last 2 weeks, crippling their run for the playoffs. 2307 hrs. >>Treme is America’s oldest African-American neighborhood. 0127 hrs. Werewolf. Ali Boo-ma-yeah! Bomaye! Rumble in the jungle. >>I will get the tools out that I need. As soon as it gets bright, I plan to go outside. I guess it will be in about 3 hours. I will find my shoes now.

22April2021, Thurs.

1237 hrs. >>It is now bright outside. I see coffee in the next few minutes. 2254 hrs. >>I cut some on the grass. I will do more tomorrow.

23April2021, Fri. >>needing to find the newspaper for the sports. TGIIF! 

25April2021, Sat.  0150 hrs. >>Weak movie choices. Cut grass in the morning. 0255 hrs. >>Did chicken, nuggets, vegetables, noodles. 0656 hrs. >>Keep scrolling until an answer comes. I sure wish that I can find fish. 0746 >>Ingress. I am aiming at egress soon (leaving the house).  

Less Butter

Someone told me to start using spray butter sometimes instead of the sticks. Why? I will then eat less butter, and lose unnecessary weight.

Spray butter means less weight.

Marvelous, oh Lord, are your works. And That my soul knows full well. Psalm 139:14

When did the Lord first speak to me?

An Oldie Post (by Ferdie Werdie) — I am praying for Kim to have a blessed recovery from her marital woes. I heard that Kanye moved out on her, and that is why she filed for divorce.

Kim Kardashian and her “ending” marriage…

DONALD H. TRUMP is up to his old tricks:

George Armstrong Custer lost his life and everyone’s life in his battalion of the 7th Cavalry at Little Bighorn because he wanted only himself and his troops to attack Sitting Bull’s village. Why? In order to capture young Native girls for his carnal pleasure for the journey back East.

In his previous mission Custer killed everyone in the village except 17 young Native girls whom he dragged back East to rape and to share his tent during the march. All Companies of the 7th Cavalry were supposed to rendezvous at Little Bighorn before attacking, but Custer disobeyed orders because of lust for the Native girls and personal glory. Custer’s body was found with an arrow shoved up his penis which the U.S. Army did not reveal to his wife.

George Armstrong Custer

Hey, y’all, I am having fun filling out my March Madness bracket. I have #8-seed LSU and #2-seed BAMA winning in the 1st Round. I even have BAMA going to the Sweet Sixteen… maybe even the Elite Eight. Some experts think that BAMA will make the Final Four. Once I fill in all the slots on my Times-Picayune sheet, I will go online to finish my online bracket, and maybe win the $millions or a car or a trip. Who Knows? However, most likely not!

I am doing my bracket

Here is the schedule:

This video (below) is too funny. Just like a cat. It is almost amazing how typical it acts.

Best New Orleans PoBoy

The seditious acts by the Republican Senators today is the work of a priviledged class of irresponsible despots, authorized tyrants and bloodsuckers who fasten upon the flesh of oppressed blacks and draw political power and consequence from the gall of their penultimate legalistic jiglisms and crimes.

They say, “This Authentic New Orleans Shrimp Po’ Boy with Creole Remoulade Sauce pictured below will knock your socks off!  Crispy cajun fried shrimp are piled on a french baguette and topped with a creole inspired creamy remoulade sauce creating the most delicious and authentic po’boy you will ever taste outside of NOLA!  Served with my New Orleans Beignets , Seafood Gumbo or Shrimp Etouffee for a truly creole inspired meal!”

They say, “The best!” 

        taste Grandbaby-Cakes food

I will try her Po’ Boy!

Shrimp Po’ Boys at Baby Cakes.


December 28, 2020                                   1335 hrs.

>>I printed up page 1 of my notes. Now, I have to get my coffee out of the kitchen. Oh, to get back to my birthday steak, gumbo and happiness. I told my daughter, “Gracias, hija”!! Hija is the Spanish word for daughter.

1909 hrs. >>I am getting ready to watch some football. I feel the weather getting a little bit cooler. I will put on a hat, and put the heater on medium. I ate a meal with my stomach now cramping up a little bit. I am feeling stress. I am contemplating here on lying down for a brief moment. The cloud is fuzzy with some of the things which I saved. >>>What happened to the Mardi Gras story? How am I supposed to eat a New Orleans fried seafood po’ boy if I cannt eat bread or fried foods?


December 29, 2020

1544 hrs. >>Getting ready to watch a movie. I want some sweets. Without sweets life is rough!!

December 30, 2020

0347 hrs. >>I ate a nice roast dinner last night. This morning, I will fix a protein shake for my breakfast. I am shaking up some briefs in a wash tub presently. I also rinsed out some jeans, and will find out how they come out after hanging… if the rinse worked.

I am still not figuring out how to work this cloud thing correctly. I am sure that I will figure it out. When?

1053 hrs. >>Jeans. Drop off the envelop by mama.

December 31, 2020

1126 hrs. >>get ready to go to the New Year’s Eve Extravaganzas. I am watching 5 Gates to Hell in the meantime.

Reason sleeps. The monsters come.

January 1, 2021

1527 hrs. >>My insides are messed up today; I sipped on 1/2 glass of White Lightning Moonshine yesterday. I am turning into a lightweight. >>The Rose Bowl is coming on in 29 minutes. I might enjoy that. I have to figure out how to transfer my writings from my touch screen to the 2020 computer. One idea is to copy it onto DELERY GAZETTE as a draft. My plan is to print a page out once it reaches the 9.5 mark. However, to send a digital copy to 2020, I will put the digits on DELERY GAZETTE.

January 2, 2021

0446 hrs. >>Everything is all messed up. I moved some files from my A6 phone, but then it looked like it shut down. Now I am moving some files to the Samsung Cloud. I do not know if I will ever see these files again. I put the chip in the computer, but it never did show up in the folder. I have to lie down for a minute because I am cold and feeling tired.

1123 hrs. >>Looks like I cleared some files to give myself some free memory on my A6 phone, Now, I will check the papers to see what games are on TV. Meeting in the championship game next week will be OHIO and ‘BAMA.

1858 hrs. >>I texted my daughter to wish her Happy Birthday. This evening is a boring affair. The Pelicans are on TV, but I flipped to the DNA show. Sigourney Weaver is one of the guests. I did not remember her being 6 feet tall. She is Scottish and English. Tomorrow has several excellent football games coming. I want to take a break from writing mystery stories to write some biographical stuff.

I was born December 27, 19??. ?? is a year that I love. Numbers and how they fall have a lot to do with much that I base things on. Some of my favorite things have the number ?? intertwined in them in some way. History comes to life once you start delving into some of the things that lie on the surface. That is how different layers of your life begin to unwrap. 1818 hrs. >>The SAINTS look like they will be the 2nd seed which will play Chicago in Round 1 of the playoffs. Tampa vs. Wash; Seattle vs. Rams.

January 3, 2021 2156 hrs.

Okay, the Saints are on their way. Next Sunday will be fun. What the hell is going on out there? I am having a little bit of trouble typing because I have a bandage on my right index finger. I cut it on a piece of glass leaving a gash. Meanwhile, since this football squeezed my day, I will try to find something good to watch on TV.

2317 hrs. >>I am getting closer to understanding the saving of this digital stuff. Meanwhile, I am going to save some more of the pictures from my phone.

Oh, no. Kim and Kanye are headed for divorce.

Oh no… not Kim and Kayne?

Reminder: Click the below link for the shrimp po’ boy. THE BEST SHRIMP PO’ BOY RECIPE WITH REMOULADE SAUCE!

The Delery Gazette

See the index on the right for the list of my articles; or for smaller screens like cell phones or smaller platforms find the index (or the “Full Site” link) at the very bottom or on Page 2.

I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works; And that my soul knows full well. Psalms 139:14

SEE now my article about my ancestors and their ties with Sitting Bull and the Arapahoes. My Native American name is Sitting Wolf. READ IT

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!!

I wrote an article of interest recently. It is entitled THE FIRST CHICKEN. I had promised to post it. The last thing before this that I wrote THAT LAST HURRICANE is listed on my desk under ON FERDIE’S DESK.

Previously, I wrote from my desk about the current state of affairs concerning the ugly, hateful Republicans. Click here to read it. I entitled it THAT LAST HURRICANE which is on my mind too. I will add the story to the GAZETTE in a few days. I started writing from my editor’s desk some of my concerns.


What you have in the “Delery Gazette” are my stories and articles. On the right column, I show the list of my articles so that you may read any of my stories that you like. Have fun reading what I write. So, look at the list of my articles on the right (or click at the bottom… for the full site view from a cell); and a list of writings from my desk, FERDIE’S DESK. Also…

See Ferdie’s books!

Here is one of them which…

Here is one of them which you can click to see a customer review.


by Ferdie J Werdie List Price: $9.95 Format: Paperback Size: 5 x 8 Pages: 117 Info: Romantic Mystery Publication Date: Mar-2002

My last entry before Covid-19 hit:

NOTE: Mardi Gras 2020 has passed.. I will write some good stuff about what transpired over the final 5 days of the season. Firstly, I will eat; then, I will write… maybe this evening. Lo and behold COVID-19 and the quarantine hit the country, and I decided to put a hold on writing about the Mardi Gras season for right now. This quarantine has been an experience like we have not seen. I will most likely write about that firstly.

Meanwhile, I describe in this video what I will write about:

The quarantine hit.

I am about to sign off for now. My stomach is growling, then I want to do some busy work. I will get back to y’all.

What are people saying about the lousy Republicans’ allowing no witnesses? Just wondering! Mitch McConnell is a court-stocking, obstructionist who failed to allow Barack Obama to legally pick his Supreme Court nominee. McConnell would not even allow discussion on Obama’s nominee. McConnell is a Confederate along with his puppet, Donald Trump.

  • Is the girl below skinny?
  • Is the girl below fine?
  • Is the girl below plump?

I read some words in a story about the girl below and how fine she is. Do you think she is fine? I do not think that she will see what I say here, but I think she is what you call fine as wine. That is just my opinion. Anyway, back to people’s thoughts about the dirty, lying Republicans. I am reading that many people think that the women of America will have to save us from the evil Republicans.

Do you see what the Republicans are doing to justice?

Do you see what the Republicans are doing?

Yes, I have to agree that maybe the ladies will stand tall and save us. There are many female warriors in America who are trying to bring our country back to righteousness. I believe that Congress needs to bring our Presidential election system into the 21st Century by correcting the flaws in the Electoral College which often gives the presidency to a candidate who is not elected by the majority of Americans. HORRIFIC! That leaves the important decisions of the future and the stacking of the Supreme Court in the hands of the minority. This is very unfair.

The ladies of America are proving to be a powerful block of voters.

Here is a song that I sing:

And now, the end is near And so I face the final curtain My friends, I’ll say it clear I’ll state my case of which I’m certain I’ve lived a life that’s full I traveled each and every highway But more, much more than this I did it my wayRegrets, I’ve had a few But then again, too few to mention I did what I had to do And saw it through without exemption I planned each chartered course Each careful step along the byway But more, much more than this I did it my wayYes, there were times, I’m sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew But through it all, when there was doubt I ate it up and spit it out I faced it all and I stood tall And did it my wayI’ve loved, laughed and cried I’ve had my fill, my share of loosing And now, as tears subside I find it all so amusing To think I did all that And may I say, not in a shy way Oh no, no, not me I did it my wayFor what is a man, what has he got If not himself then he has not To say all the things he truly feels And not the words of one who kneels The record shows, I took the blows But I did it my way

Cont. on page 2, click Page 2 below